Monday, May 4, 2009

Law Day 5K

There’s nothing like going to work at 7:30 AM on your day off, in the rain to run (or at least jog) a 5K. I should have looked at the course map before signing up; then again, I should have looked at it before the eve of the race. Who in their right mind designs a course that starts uphill? It was a maze of cones, strollers, and wedgies all headed uphill and in your face.

I was impressed with my group of friends that ran the 5K. Everyone finished ahead of me except those that were walking the course (my 10-minute mile was not the best ever but I am happy with the results). I neglected to bring my camera along and didn’t snap off any pictures with my phone so you will have to settle for the cones that spent the weekend in our loading dock. The lack of photographic proof of my rainy day misadventures is a regret I will have to deal with. This decision was attributed more towards me not wanting to slip while running than not wanting to record the moment for posterity. I had enough trouble with a key and a phone in my pocket! By the end we were quite the sight, all sopping wet, a study discipline and at high risk for catching whatever virus or ailment lingered in the lobby.

In all seriousness, it was a great race and more fun than I thought it would be. Sure, the lobby at work was filled with 100+ germ-incubating runners that produced a humid odor that superseded the usual smell of dated lobby furniture but I had my office key and retreated from the pre/post race stinkers.

In usual fashion, the real race was to see how quickly we could get to the Original Pancake House for breakfast. I had my first breakfast burrito Saturday morning and was pleasantly surprised. I’m not big on eggs so the thought of wrapping them in a tortilla was never too appealing, my perceptions have been changed and I am no longer afraid of the burrito listed among the breakfast food. Saturday was life changing.

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