Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring Cleaning (Online)

Spring break has almost come to a close and the rotation of winter wool slacks for summer shorts is almost complete. I have been going through boxes that have been in storage for years in an attempt to divest the old and streamline what stays. I’ve found everything from high school yearbooks to a hardback of Tuesdays with Morrie that I borrowed from D-Byrd years ago (dude, I will return it as soon as you send me an address).

In the tradition of spring cleaning I have applied the concept to the ever increasingly annoying realm of Facebook. I have long scorned the sidebar of “People You Might Know” and wondered how on earth would I know these people?! Part of the madness stems from those that appear in the “friends in common” near the unknown offenders profile pic (you know, that thumbnail that either looks like a prostitute, a cell phone self-portrait, or some baby picture that only a mother could love). In the hopes of minimizing the 6-degrees of separation between me and [insert the name of a childhood neighbor of your third cousin, twice removed here] I have gone back to removing “friends” that aren’t contributing to my life.

There isn’t really a nice way to say why you would remove someone from your friend list but really, if you have ever hit “add” as a courtesy you know the trouble this brings. Sure there are the options of limited profile viewing but then there are just those that bring about online baggage. Don’t feel bad if you are a casualty of spring cleaning 2009. I can’t lie and say it’s nothing personal, in all actuality that is the problem – there is nothing personal between us as Facebook friends.

Harsh reality for some, true story for me.


Jord said...

This is a great idea and I can totally see you "sweeping" away people who are gathering dust.

JoLynn said...

I totally agree with Jor!

meg said...

I realize I've only known you for a few months but I'd like to plead my case as to why you should not "erase" me.

First, I am awesome.
Second, we're friends with the same married couple who live in Magna.
Third, you get my random musical and television status updates.
Fourth, we need to play laser tag.

That's all for now. If you need references, I'll be happy to send them along.