Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ape Reel Fused "A" [April Fool's Day]

The first day of April is probably my second most favorite holiday (my birthday being my all-time favorite). Sure, I teeter back and forth between Halloween and April Fool’s as #2 on my list but really, as soon as Halloween is over that first day of April keeps me goin’ and come April 2nd I am all about gunning for October 31st. Thanksgiving and the Fourth of July are fun and have their positive attributes but please, these are just placeholder holidays to bide my time and attention.

I have a healthy relationship with my inner-child and there is something about practical jokes that can get the creative juices flowing. I would post pictures of some of my previous unsavory deeds but that would be a partial admission of my involvement. Anonymity is my friend in times like these and shall be protected until I die (or get drunk).

The saddest reality is that my hands are tied at work this year; I can’t really go all-out without having serious repercussions. Having the American Bar Association onsite this week evaluating us has stymied all elaborate plans. The best I can hope for is that someone toilet papers my office, wraps my desk in newsprint, covers my walls in Post-it notes, blah blah blah = generic office pranks. [tear in my eye]

Maybe we can delay or draw out April Fool’s for a week? If it works for my birthday it should work for my next favorite holiday. Right? Bring it on!

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