Monday, April 5, 2010

Blast from the Past: Pippi & the Monchhichi's

Today at work I had a random conversation about old-school cartoons. I guess the topic originated from a cake that was left in the front office that just happened to look like a mushroom. It only took a minute to search the interwebs and print off a Papa Smurf finger puppet to guard and protect the remnants of the cake. (I thought it was funny but the joke was lost on the younger people that saw it).

Seems there is a very specific demographic that remembers the crazy stuff of what was once the coveted Saturday Morning Cartoon block. If you are part of this group you remember the cast members of random NBC shows hosting Saturday Morning Cartoons and it would last for half of the day. There was something weird, even back then, of having the girls from the Facts of Life introduce a 60-minute block of the Smurfs but we were kids and didn't care. (Really, what kind of name is Tootie any way?!)

Living in L.A. we would usually watch whatever the brilliant minds put on KTLA from 7:00 a.m. until it was lunch time. After lunch we would return to the family room to watch the Family Feature movie - chanced were it was one of the three Pippi Longstocking movies. These crazy movies introduced me to the concept of dubbed movies (aka the words never matched the lips). After great thought on the matter, this is the genesis of my amazing king-fu mimicking (you killed my family, you must die - I guess you have to see it AND hear it to appreciate it). If you have never seen the "old" Pippi movies spend a few minutes to see the movies that warped my young and overly-impressionable mind. The newer, English-based movies are laaaame. If the dialog matches the actors lips it's not as funny, old Swedish flicks are the way to go, trust me.

Watch and be amazed:
My sister will freak out when she sees this clip. "We're all together, yes all together and together we'll be happy and we'll have a lot of fun..." (minute 3:30)

*I love how Anikka sounds like a Long Island princess. 

If you had one of these - you were a child of 1985:


amasonsayswhat said...

Matt! I totally watched Pippi all the time. Thanks for the clip because i didn't remember how bizarre it was. Who is she? That creepy kid in the neighborhood that nobody takes care of? Oh yeah, her dad was a sea captain. The dubbing is fantastic. Wow, this really brings back memories. I declare pippi the queen of the gingers!

Michael and Michelle said...

O.M.G.!!!!!!!! Is that why we turned out the way we did!! See they were doin' it up right in the 80's!!!! The ONLY decent thing they have on these days is Strawberry Shortcake! The rest is an hour an a half of CRAP! I want Rainbow Bright, Hanna Barbara, Gummi Bears, JEM, and what about K-I-D-S Kids Incorporated?!?!!!?? HEEEELLLLOOOOOOO look who's STILL on TV-- Mario Lopez, Sara "Fergalicious, Fergie" Ferguson- Black Eyed Peas!!! This new generation is gettig jipped!! Well, all I wanna do now is watch Pippi go off the water fall in a barrel then go outside and make some human sized bird wings out of Eucalyptus trees and fly off the 2 story hill in the back yard!!!