Friday, April 24, 2009

Overdue Fees + the Road to Hell?

As the old cliché states: The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. My intentions are rarely bad, but the good ones can lead to tangents in my life. As much as you can plot out and implement plans, things rarely go according to the original scheme.

For example: Once upon a time my friend Kirk had loaned a book to someone and they took 2 years to return it.

I remember distinctly, he said how he forgot he even owned the book, let alone whom he lent it to. He mentioned that it was one of his all-time favorites and that I would probably like it. Yaddah, yaddah, yaddah. I accepted the kind offer and made the remark that I would not take two years to read it. I would report back with my thoughts shortly and we could discuss its merits at length.

Jump forward to the present day…

I am happy to report that I have indeed finished Atlas Shrugged. [insert applause, launch the fireworks, & notify the parade marshal to get the show moving]

This is where I would typically make my plea for you to withhold chastisement and judgments but I deserve what I get. Most people have a more productive reading schedule for a 24-month period but not me. This book left me with distaste for the nature of business and the puppet masters that manipulate industry. Before I wax long on interpretive philosophy let’s just say it was a good book, I see it for what it is, and am glad to be done with it (it's up there with the Grapes of Wrath).

In the end, I am walking away with the realization that I need reading glasses and that it might be a while before Kirk lets me borrow another book. I was glad, actually honored, to perpetuate the tradition of the 2-year loan for Atlas Shrugged. Seems that Kirk has a bunch of friends that read at a leisurely (if not completely impaired) pace. True Story.

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