Saturday, April 4, 2009

15-Minute Video Break: Weekend Edition

I admit, there are times that I visit Youtube at work. There are at least three of my coworkers that send links constantly and sometimes you just need to share things with those you love.

Inspired by 3-Minute meals, here is your quick and dirty 15-minute video break (weekend edition for those that don't have access at work).

The girls from Laguna Beach were at the Hawaiian Tropic Zone grand opening in Vegas a year ago (aka my 31st birthday party) and yes, they are this substantive & the couch was a drama couch (True Story).

I spent a few years of my life as a Summer Camp Director for teens in Texas. There were a few that brought their homemade versions of Tickle Me Emo, if only this came to market they would make bank (even Truer Story).

Because MTV Cribs has nothing on helping people with "their ugly" & learn people, watch & learn.

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