Friday, June 6, 2008

The Haircut

In my grand list of things to get done this week there was one item in particular that normally is not an issue. For some reason the stars aligned to make this a week of speed bumps and problems. My adventure in getting my hair cut did not go according to plan (or budget).

Since my (non) haircut is a visual thing I thought I would opt for a videoblog this time around.

If you know of a good stylist/barber that I can go to after my hair grows back let me know. The 'pretend' stylist is fired - I figure I can simply disappear into the summer months and not go back. That's the polite way to fire your hair stylist, right?


j said...

I generally go to Great Clips, and about 2 out of 3 times I get what I'm looking for. Not a great ratio, but still its not $40 either.

I'd say the mohawk looks pretty darn good.

Mama J said...

I am still roaring. No apology needed, I have seen the self grooming since you were 5 years.
Just before Halloween, remember?
Supercuts $12.00 will fix you up. Most are very well trained and eager to please.

Katie said...

We are moving to Houston! Isn't your family there. I am going to call you so that I can figure out a good place to live. Is that ok?

JoLynn said...

You are CRAZY! My mom watched this & said you should have come over to hangout...she would have stopped you. However, she thinks you are really amusing.

Katie said...

What the HE** did you do, I finally watched this video and am laughing out loud. haha you really should've just let Jolynn cut it! haha

Elizabeth Connolly said...

haha, I think the mohawk suits you, you just need some saggy shorts and a tight black t-shirt with some leather strappy wristlets and you could be part of Good Charlotte or whatever the latest band is