Wednesday, June 25, 2008

For the love of the shame, er uh game

There is something to be said for being downright awful at a sport/game but still playing because it’s fun. Now I am overly competitive but that’s reserved for academic pursuits and three-legged races.

When it comes to things like tennis – the game of choice this summer – I can honestly say that my game is in need of some serious work. We’re not talking “quick fixer-upper” this is more like implode the money pit and start from scratch. Sad, but true – I’m all location, location, location but need professional TLC and some serious weekend DIY. How did I get off on the home renovation metaphor…FOCUS Matt, focus!

There was once a time when this type of realization would degrade into apathy and the eventual shelving of my racket. My fifth grade coach would be horrified at how bad my form is these days. If video existed of my backhand I might just drop my jaw is disbelief as much as I was dropping my elbow. But there needs to be a (re)starting place, right? Ego has little place on the court when you are a lame duck like me. It’s an exercise in watching, practicing, and implementing new habits – it’s an exercise in humility.

My serve is consistent – consistently in the net but at least I’m not knocking birds out of the sky or retrieving the ball from the other courts.

My long shot is great – I can hit the ball really long. It’s getting inside the lines that proves challenging and I love a challenge.

My short game is short – short on skill but I am becoming fast friends with the net since I seem to keep hitting the ball right at it.

Now that I have exposed my (lack of) skill on the court, who’s up for a game? It’s all “for the love”– if you don’t love it – I might just have you leaving the court hating it.

Doubles anyone?

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