Thursday, March 25, 2010

Facebook is now stalking me (as a 'less-active' member)

It seems that when you don't log into Facebook after a while they start to worry about you. If you go a few weeks they start emailing you on a consistent basis (polite email above). I've heard from many RLF (Real Life Friends) that Facebook has encouraged them to re-connect with me. I just laugh and encourage them to re-connect with me in real life. For all of those FOF (Friends on Facebook) that have no idea how to get in touch with me, well, that's on purpose.

For anyone else out there planning to quit the Big Brother of Social Networking sites be warned, like a Kool-Aid drinking cult and those that are waiting for the flying saucer to take them away with the Hale Bopp (Bob) comet...they are watching (and ready to send automated emails to reactivate you into the fold).

*PS: Who on earth is tagging me in so many pictures?!


meg said...

'Less active member' makes it sound like The Church is trying to get you to come back. hehe

For the record, I only re-connected with you on FB cause I knew were you were on a sabbatical from it AND, I thought it was funny.

Jessica said...

your blog is funny... I enjoy it...