Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lent 2010: I’m giving up rude friends

If it's possible to do - I want to know how.

You know the type, that friend that is always at the ready with backhanded compliments. The one that takes advantage of you and what you offer, they don’t appreciate what you contribute to their life and are nice when it suits their purposes. There is that “friend” that wouldn’t throw you under the bus but they would gladly let you walk in front of one to have a good laugh. Boiled down to simple terms, it’s the type of person that is persistently insincere, ungrateful and borderline clueless. It’s the last characteristic that is most frustrating because it enables the behavior, it allow for a perpetual escape clause of rudeness.

Exhibit A: Self-serving and scene stealing

Exhibit B: You're always being told to apologize

If we don’t talk for the next 47 days – I may have just given you up for Lent.

Then again, I’m not Catholic and it’s not really possible to give up lame friends (but that won't stop me from trying).

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