Wednesday, December 30, 2009

MoMo Mocktails: New Year's in Utah

Here is a short smattering of Utah's non-alcoholic drinks. I do not vouch for any of their taste, quality, frequency of appearance in my own home, etc.

Go ahead and take a guess at what my favorite is.

Suit & Tie with a twist: Caffeine-free diet Coke, straw, lemon wedge.

Surely Temple: Sprite and any kind of fruit juice.

Mud Backslider: Chocolate milk and a graham cracker.

Ox in the Mire: Basically a root beer float, but really any soda pop with something frozen added to it. 7-Up and sherbet works.

Blood Atonement: Fruit punch concentrate and a splash of Tabasco Sauce.

Service Project: Any drink containing an actual food item -- shredded carrots, fruit cocktail, turnip wedges, or even ham chunks. (sick!)

Scripture Chase: Shot of Red Bull with a liter of Pepsi chaser.

Mission Call: Glass of water.

High Council Toddy: Hot cocoa and NyQuil.

Rise and Shout: BYU blue raspberry punch and marshmallows.

Home Teacher: Nonalcoholic beverage served at final moments of the party.

Apocalypse: Mountain Dew Code Red and a dozen NoDoz, shaken vigorously.

Jack Mormon: Whatever you got (and please sneak some booze into it).

*list compiled from the article found here

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