Sunday, October 26, 2008

How much do I love my family?

As I mentioned in the last post, I am moving in November. I figured that since everyone in my family has made a major relocation in the past six weeks why the heck can't I? Peer pressure is a beezotch. I have to do what everyone else is doing as long as it isn't smoking cigarettes or doing drugs - Nancy Reagan & Punky Brewster told me not to do those things.

I might not be moving more than 1,500 miles (more like 5) but a move still requires packing up all of your crap and hauling it to a new location. Most people hate doing this but during grad school I had the privilege of doing it many times. I was a migrant gypsy of sorts. I like change and have been in the same place for 2 years - time for a change.

I get the keys to my new casa on November 15th and have two weeks to move. I thought I had most of it under control until my little brother rolled through town this weekend (with 2 U-Haul trucks) and dropped off (almost) all of my belongings from Texas. I now have enough stuff for two apartments - see I pretty much moved to Utah with what could fit in my little Mazda and acquired everything else when I got here. My brother didn't want to throw anything away so they brought it all (even down to my banking statements from when I was 15). I started going through everything and essentially it looks like I am missing a few key items.

What you ask? What would be an example of such a thing? You said that your brother packed up and brought everything. How could you be missing anything?

Well, I'm glad you asked. (please do not take the next few sentences as being ungrateful, I love my brother for packing up this stuff and driving it across the country, obviously we didn't quite unload everything).

-I have a table top but no legs (they were actually saw horses for legs but nonetheless, I have a table with no legs)
-I have 100's of CD jewel cases but no actual CD's
-I have frames but not the pictures that were in them (I'm missing my diploma's - no biggie, just $40,000+ worth of degrees MIA)
-I have a box full of my undergrad work that can keep the box of my grad work company (does anyone have a shredder I can borrow?)
-I have a box of stuff from England - spent months in counseling to forget that portion of my life and here it is, (re)delivered right to my door.
-I have a handful of art pads but my brushes, pens, pencils, and other art supplies are missing

Essentially, I have a garage piled with incomplete belongings that I will have to move across town in addition to all of my other stuff. I hope that once the other trucks are unloaded in Idaho (with my parents stuff) the remainder of my things will be located. Like I said before, I am grateful that I have my stuff back, I just wish I had their counterparts to make them worth having/keeping. I can't really have a garage sale with half-assed products (or can I?)

One unexpected bonus: my yearbooks have been found and have proved to be very entertaining. The mid-ninties were an interesting time to be in high school. The grunge era was only kind to Kurt Cobain (and look where it got him).


1 comment:

Katie said...

Loved Kurt Cobain....
Um didn't you serve your mission in England??? You have counseling because of that?? Did I miss something?