Sunday, August 24, 2008

Catching up...

...because I've been lackadaisical in updating my blog for the latter portion of the summer. It's been busy and I have fallen back on my mobile photo updates on Facebook to keep track on what has kept me ocupdao.

I put together a quick slideshow to carry you up to speed on what has caught my eye and kept my attention in the past few weeks. Too bad I can't upload it to Blogspot due to technical difficulties. That's what I get for not posting regularly and having too many photos in a slideshow I guess. I will post on FB and see if that works.

To make up for it I will post something above and then try to upload the video later but here are a few pictures worth posting:

My visit to the dump (aka the Journey concert when you take the wrong offramp)

The Alpine Coaster in Park City, Utah - worth every penny

This is a form of suicide for your knees - yes, I'm a pansie but made record time.

I made it out on the water at least once this summer
(I didn't quite master the wakeboard but I'm still smiling)

The Mollies adding some culture to the Apple Store @ the Gateway (check them out in iTunes)

1 comment:

bswanster said...

Looks like you've had some great adventures this summer. I'm sure the boating adventure was one of your main highlights- since you were with your favorite people :). & also, I hear 'The Mollies' has a fabulous violin player- glad you got to see them. Fun blog Matt y